Monday, June 14, 2010

TA's and gearing up to travel!

noooo not me... sigh.
but REJOICE - Laura and Jan Have TA and both families are getting ready to travel for their daughters!!!
Prayer request:
Jan (and family) are adopting Abigail MistyMing. She is 11 1/2. And my gosh she is beautiful! It is said that she is very happy to be adopted soon! YEA. Please pray for the transition and bonding. The adjustment to America and life out of China, SWI, foods, smells, sounds ect- into a Godly home, full of love,4 brothers, 2sisters, and two parents- how cool is that! Of course pray for everything else God places on your heart.

Laura (and family) are adopting little miss Maggie! She is also an older child and absolutely beautiful. Please pray for safe travels, bonding and the adjustments of coming into an American- Christian home. Miss Maggie will be coming home to two brothers and a sister! They are very excited- pray for this awesome family and their hearts.

These families are leaving VERY soon for their children!!
Thank you God for the gift of adoption. Thank you for the grafting of NEW branches into our family trees.

1 comment:

  1. Man, I haven't seen your blog in forever, then I open it to TA's and travel and I'm thinking, what in the world have I missed!! You look great, love the wild olives T.
